
The terrible blue sky is trying to reveal itself...

The Pentecost Pilgrimage to Chartres began today...

The skies have been overcast for the last few hours...

Another glorious evening although the heat is making itself...

Tremunt videntes angeli versam vicem mortalium...

How does one remove dog hair from a rug?

Lovely morning, beautiful afternoon, splendid evening...

High temperatures in the 80s F. for a couple of days with...

"What is the biggest problem orthodox Catholics face today?"

If I hear someone talking about a flapjack...

Holy Mass concluded with the Te Deum...

Am amazed that the squirrels and the birds all of them...

In a fit of what is called 'wanderlust', perhaps...

A beautiful afternoon with Vespers ahead...

We are supposed to be grateful that they deign to notice our feasts...

Today is the anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pope...

The Bishops of Minnesota will reopen the churches...

The Max Carrados stories that I read were...