And was surprised this morning in the Martyrology to be informed that her feast is tomorrow.
That is more or less the Handelian plot. I can't immediately recall if Valens in the oratorio is a lieutenant of Diocletian or if he is simply stood in as Diocletian's musical representative.
Alexandríæ pássio sanctæ Theodóræ, Vírginis et Mártyris. Hæc, idólis sacrificáre contémnens, in lupánar est trádita, sed repénte quidam ex frátribus, nómine Dídymus, miro Dei favóre, commutátis véstibus, illam erípuit; qui póstea, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, sub Eustrátio Prǽside, simul cum eádem Vírgine percússus, simul coronátus est.
That is more or less the Handelian plot. I can't immediately recall if Valens in the oratorio is a lieutenant of Diocletian or if he is simply stood in as Diocletian's musical representative.
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