What can be done...

I don't think I am sharing this in a way that will embarrass anyone or 'put anyone on the spot'. My  intention is to point out, to any with eyes to see, what can be done in the current catastrophe.

"... On behalf of all the Priests and Sisters I wish you a very holy Easter Season. Once again, we are at the point of setting up the schedule for Masses on Sunday. Before I give you the times, I must, for the record, remind you all, to keep the guidelines already laid out by our government officials and our superiors. I thank you for your help in complying with these rules as we continue to be blessed with the grace of daily Mass. Sunday Mass times will be at [6 am, 7, 8, 9.3, 11, 12.3 and 6 pm]. If needed, we will add a 7:15pm Mass. Let us also continue to invoke St. Joseph, especially as his feast day ‘The Worker’ is on May 1st...."

Our Lady, Sovereign of the Americas and Immaculate Patroness of the United States, pray for us. 

There is an explanation here of the Stella caeli extirpavit from the blog Liturgia of the Schola Sainte Cécile.

