'Nous l'avons voulu!'...

The French philosopher Pierre Manent, at l'Homme Nouveau-- but the essay first appeared in Le Figaro on the 24th April.

Nous découvrons que nous sommes dépendants de la Chine pour presque tout ce dont nous avons besoin? Mais nous nous sommes organisés pour être ainsi dépendants! Nous l’avons voulu! Croyez-vous que, lorsque nous sortirons exsangues de la destruction économique occasionnée par la crise sanitaire, il y aura beaucoup de volontaires pour remonter la pente que nous descendons depuis quarante ans?

We are discovering that we are dependent on China for almost everything we need? But we have 'organized' ourselves into such dependence! We wanted it! Do you think that when we come bloodied out of the economic destruction caused by the health crisis that there will be a lot of volunteers to help us get back up the slope we have been going down for forty years?

There will be some who have had their eyes opened, indeed. 


Wednesday morning. Am glad to see that, yesterday, the entire Manent interview from Le Figaro went up at First Things. Great minds....

